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What's Your Opinion? Is the SEI's Capability Maturity Model (CMM) a Step Forward or Backward?

The Software Engineering Institute (SEI) Capability Maturity Model (CMM) is a framework for demonstrating the key process areas of an effective software process. The CMM is intended to describe an evolutionary improvement path for software development from an ad hoc, immature process to a mature, disciplined process, in five Levels.

At the Seventh Software Engineering Process Group Conference and in the September 1994 issue of American Programmer, Dr. Bill Curtis and Mr. James Bach debated whether the CMM is a step forward or a step backward. Mr. Bach criticizes the CMM for having no formal theoretical and only a vague empirical basis, revering institutionalization of process for its own sake, and encouraging a displacement of goals from improving an organization's process to one of achieving a higher maturity level. In defense of the CMM, Dr. Curtis states that the CMM establishes professional standards in software engineering, were derived from inputs of 500 individual opinions of best practices, and results in improved skills and performance of both individuals and companies. We would like you to E-Mail your opinions and comments on the CMM to the DACS. Your individual opinions will be kept confidential. If you have a positive opinion of the CMM, please E-mail your opinions to [email protected]; if you have a negative opinion, please E-Mail your opinions to [email protected].

In developing your response, please consider the following questions:

1. Does the CMM help improve a software organization's development process? If so, how? If not, why not?

2. What problems arise in implementing the CMM, if any?

3. What issues has the CMM ignored?

4. In your opinion, do the CMM levels accurately and fairly represent the strengths and weaknesses of a software organization?

5. Will implementing the CMM improve the morale of your software organization? Will it lower employee turnover rate?

6. If your organization has implemented a CMM Software Process Improvement Program, has it been a success or failure? Why?

Please provide your opinions by 15 November 1995. We will tabulate the results and provide them in the Spring 1996 issue of the DACS Newsletter.

In your response, please identify the following:

1. Are you a member of the DoD, other Government, Academia, a DoD Contractor or other Commercial Organization, or other type of organization.

2. What is your current job title.

3. How did you learn about this survey.

4. What is your level of awareness of the CMM? Are you part of a Software Engineering Process Group? Are you involved in a CMM based project team?

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