Call for Participation in Software Engineering: Ethical and Professional Standards of Practice

This steering committee has organized three task forces to accomplish this mission. One task force is identifying the body of knowledge and recommended practices, and another task force is addressing educational issues. The IEEE and ACM task force on Software Engineering Ethics and Professional Practices (SEEPP) is tasked with documenting and codifying standards of ethical and professional practices for Software Engineers. We invite your participation in this task. You do NOT need to be a member of either society in order to participate.

The SEEPP task force recognizes that the design, development and application of software often transcend national boundaries. We feel that it is vitally important that the global computing community have the means to insure that this project produces a product which is as reflective of the global computing community's wisdom as can be reasonably achieved. The participation of individuals from throughout the world is important to achieving this goal.

The purpose of the SEEPP task force is to document the international consensus for minimally acceptable ethical/professional responsibilities and obligations of Software Engineers.

Participation is open to all individuals who are directly and materially affected or interested in these issues. Members of the international computing community are particularly encouraged to participate.

Please contact either of the following for additional information:

Robert J. Melford
IEEE-CS Co-Chairman
[email protected] or

Donald Gotterbarn, Ph.D.
ACM Co-Chairman
[email protected]

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