Software Tech Enews
E-News 1: Cleanroom
E-News 2: Year 2000
E-News 3: Software Inspection
E-News 4: Software Measurement
E-News 5: Software Reliability
E-News 6: Software Risk Management
E-News 7: Software Quality Assurance
E-News 8: Software News Items
E-News 9: Software News Items
E-News 10: Software News Items
E-News 11: Software News Items
E-News 12: Software News Items<
E-News 13: Software News Items
E-News 14: Software News Items
Submitting Articles:
The STN is a theme-based quarterly journal. In the past DACS has typically solicited specific authors to participate in developing each theme, but we recognize that it is not possible for us to know about all the experts, programs, and work being done and we may be missing some important contributions. Therefore, beginning in 2009 DACS is adopting a policy of accepting articles submitted by the software professional community for consideration.
DACS will review articles and assist candidate authors in creating the final draft if the article is selected for publication. Note that DACS does not pay for articles published. Note also that submittal of an article constitutes a transfer of ownership from the author to DACS with DACS holding the copyright. See below for Copyright details.
Although the STN is theme-based, we do not limit the content of the issue strictly to that theme. If you submit an article that DACS deems to be worthy of sharing with the community DACS will find a way to get it published. However, we cannot guarantee publication within a fixed time frame in that situation. Consult the theme selection page on the STN web site for theme details.
The STN enjoys a reputation of outstanding quality and value. The STN is distributed to more than 7000 registered DACS patrons free of charge and is publish on the DACS website where thousands of viewers read the articles each week.
Author Bios and Contact Information
When you submit your article to DACS, you also need to submitt a brief bio, which is printed at the end of your article.
Additionally, DACS requests that you provide contact information (email and/or phone and/or web address) which is also published
with your article so that readers may follow up with you. You also need to send DACS your preferred mailing address for
receipt of the STN in printed format. All authors receive 5 complementary copies of the STN issue in which their
article appears and are automatically registered to receive future issues of STN. Up to 100 additional copies may be
requested by the author at no cost.
Submitt articles, images, bios and contact information to
Further details are given in the STN Author Guidelines .
[Click here]
to download the PDF file.
Any article published in the Software Tech News becomes the sole property of the Data & Analysis Center for Software (DACS) when the initial draft is submitted to DACS. DACS reserves the right to republish, post on the DACS web site, sell or otherwise distribute the article or portion thereof as the DACS deems appropriate.
DACS always grants permission to reprint or distribute the article once published, as long as attribution is provided for DACS as the publisher and the STN issue in which the article appeared is cited. The primary reason for DACS holding the copyright is to insure that the same article is not published simultaneously in other trade journals.
STN Theme Calendar for 2009
STN themes are chosen by the DACS STN Editorial Board but are based in part on the analysis of a survey conducted in 2006 in which DACS STN subscribers told us what they wanted to hear about. The themes for 2009 reflect important topics from the survey as well as topics identified by the Board as significant. All dates and themes are tentative.
STN ISSUE Release Date
Tentative Theme
Article Submission Deadline
Mar 2009
Earned Value
Feb 6, 2009
Jun 2009
Software Testing
May 8, 2009
Sep 2009
Project Management
Aug 7, 2009
Dec 2009
Model Driven Development
Nov 6, 2009
These themes are intentionally generic to encompass a broad scope of coverage. DACS is always interested in articles that are case studies or lessons learned from practitioners experiences in these areas, or that provide data that can be used to further research. All of these topics are impacted by increases in size and complexity of software and the fact that the development environment now consists of many organizations working together to build systems that are continually evolving. There are signifigant challenges to be met in each area.
In addition to these themes DACS welcomes any articles that address topics defined in the Software Engineering Body of Knowledge, developing with open source, collaborative efforts and information sharing.
Some themes identified by the community but not specifically scheduled include:
- Software Maintenance
- Requirements Engineering
Are there topics that you think need to be addressed by the STN because they are not receiving enough attention in the literature? DACS welcomes your suggestions. Send us an email and share your thoughts. ( or use the feedback form at the top of this page.