The Defense Technical Information Center (DTIC) provides scientific, technical, and engineering information services to U.S. government agencies, government contractors, and potential contractors.

Access to DTIC's impressive collection of defense related information is available on-line from the Technical Report Bibliographic Database, Research and Technology Work Unit Information System (WUIS), IR&D Database, and the DoD Gateway Information System (DGIS). In addition, current awareness products provide immediate access to DoD development efforts through the Automatic Document Distribution (ADD), Current Awareness Bibliography (CAB), and Recurring Reports Programs.

Contact DTIC's Product Management Branch, (703) 274-6434 or DSN 284-6434, to speak with support staff and obtain additional information on DTIC's products and services. Address written requests to:

Defense Technical Information Center
DTIC-BCP; Building 5,
Cameron Station
Alexandria, VA 22304-6145.

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