Please note this is the third part of a long article. The article starts at this page.
The (Chaos, 1995) study served as a reference. It had identified some major reasons for project failure. The five risk-indicators in this study that were chosen as the most important causes for project failure also appear on the Chaos list of major reasons for project failure. The correlation between this study and the Chaos study is shown below. While “resources are not allocated well” did not show up in the top seven lists of this study, it was fourth in the tally. Thus, this study supports the findings of the Chaos study.
Risk |
This study |
Chaos Study |
1 |
Poor requirements |
Incomplete requirements |
16 |
Failure to communicate with the customer |
Lack of user involvement |
30 |
Resources are not allocated well |
Lack of resources |
no equivalent |
Unrealistic expectations |
25 |
Lack of management support |
Lack of executive management support |
no equivalent |
Changing requirements and specifications |
5 |
Lack of, or, poor plans |
Lack of planning |
Thus, conformance to either or both Quality standards does not ensure mitigating these risks.
Risk |
Section 4.x of ISO 9001 |
Software-CMM |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
16 |
17 |
18 |
19 |
20 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
1 |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
4 |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
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x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
16 |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
25 |
X |
x |
29 |
30 |
X |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
x |
33 |
The large consensus on the major reasons for project failure seems to show that if we could remove these reasons, projects would have a greater probability of success. The (Chaos, 1995) study showed that projects tended to succeed if the opposite of these risk-indicators were present (e.g., good requirements instead of poor requirements). The (Voyages, 1996) paper stated that the causes were known, but it was unclear if the solutions could be implemented. Thus it seems that the current metrics paradigm is focused on measuring the wrong things and needs to be changed to develop metrics to show the presence or absence of the major risk-indicators identified above and any other known as major causes of project failures (risk management). Consider ways metrics can be developed for the following risk-indicators:
However, just changing the metrics paradigm may not be the complete solution. Cobb’s Paradox (Voyages, 1996) states “We know why projects fail, we know how to prevent their failure, so why do they still fail?” Now a paradox is a symptom of a flaw in the underlying paradigm. Perhaps Juran and Deming provided the remedy. Juran as quoted by (Harrington, 1995, 198) stated that management causes 80 to 85% of all organizational problems. (Deming, 1993, 35) stated that 94% of the problems belong to the system (i.e., were the responsibility of management). In this survey, both managers and non managers tended to disagree with the two management risk-indicators (#9 and #10). Several respondents with many years of systems or software engineering experience did not even recognize the term “SDLC.” It is difficult to understand how Information Technology managers can make informed decisions to mitigate technical risks if they don’t understand the implications of their decisions. The resolution of Cobb’s paradox may be to develop a new paradigm for an information age organization which performs the functions of management without managers.
The following deficiencies are present in the study:
Except for poor requirements, none of the risk-indicators identified by this study are technical. Thus, the findings support:
Areas For Further Study
About the AuthorsDr. Kasser has more than 25 years of award winning experience in management and engineering. He teaches software IV&V and software maintenance at the University of Maryland University College. He is a recipient of NASA’s Manned Space Flight Awareness (Silver Snoopy) Award for quality and technical excellence. He is a Certified Manager and a recipient of the Institute of Certified Professional Manager's 1993 Distinguished Service Award. He is the author of Applying Total Quality Management to Systems Engineering published by Artech House and more than 30 journal articles and conference papers. His current interests lie in the areas of applying systems engineering to organizations and using technology to improve the practice of management. Victoria R. Williams is a Senior Consultant at Keane Federal Systems, Inc. in Rockville, MD. She has 18 years of award winning experience in various aspects of systems engineering. She has received many awards and commendations from employers and customers including Computer Data Systems Inc., the Department of the Navy, Naval Air Systems Command, and the Department of the Army. She has written software in HTML, PowerBuilder, Java, FoxPro and Visual Basic. She has performed object-oriented analysis and design in an effort to reengineer an operational legacy system. Her previous experience includes project management support for the Department of the Navy, systems and software engineering for the U.S. Navy, the Royal Australian Navy, and the U.S. Military Sealift Command. She is also trained at CMM Level 2 and is currently working on her Master of Science Degree in Computer Systems Management in the Graduate School of Management and Technology at the University of Maryland University College in College Park, Maryland. |
Contact InformationJoseph Kasser, DSc. , CM., CEng. Victoria R. Williams |
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Brooks, F.P., The Mythical Man-Month Essays on Software Engineering, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Reprinted with corrections, 1982.
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