DACS Listserver

The second addition to the growing collection of Internet services offered by the DACS is a listserver. The DACS invites you to participate in a discussion group devoted to software engineering - the DACS S_ENG list. Stated quite simply, a listserver is a piece of software that automatically distributes electronic mail (e-mail) to the members of a list. The creation of the S_ENG list provides a forum for DACS users to easily pose questions and discuss topics relating to software engineering with other members of the DACS user community. The listserver uses a predefined set of commands to subscribe to a list, post messages to a list, and perform a variety of actions related to list participation. All listserver-specific requests (i.e., subscribe, help, etc.) must be addressed to [email protected]. In contrast, all postings to a given list must be addressed to the appropriate list. That is, all messages to be distributed to members of the DACS S_ENG list, must be sent of [email protected]. Follow the steps below to subscribe to the DACS S_ENG list:

  1. Send mail to [email protected] (Note: Leave 'Subject' blank)
  2. The body of your message should read:
  3. subscribe s_eng Your Name
  4. You will receive notification from the Listserver when you have been added to the list.

Upon receipt by the DACS listserver, your e-mail address is extracted from the message and added to the list of subscribers (recipients) to the DACS S_ENG list (i.e., s_eng.). Once subscribed, you can pose a question to all of the members of this list simply by posting (e-mailing) your question to [email protected]. A few listserver commands are provided in the accompanying table to entice you to participate in this new DACS service

Comments, criticisms or suggestions for inclusion can be mailed to:
DACS Webmaster
[email protected]

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