We lead off this issue with a guest article from Donald Day who describes some of his Ph.D.research into the effects of CASE tool constraints on the software development process.
Part II of the Close-Up Corner continues to examine neural networks. It lists several current applications where neural networks are gaining favor. Included at the end of Part II of this series on neural networks is an expanded bibliography. You may wish to treat it as recommended reading on the subject area.
We also take a glance at the Navy's latest activities for the Next Generation Computer Resources Program, Project Support Environment (PSE) efforts. While the PSE activities are nearing conclusion, other activities remain.
Once again, I encourage you to write an article on a software engineering topic of interest for publication in the DACS Newsletter. Contact us for further details.
You may wish to submit a request for the latest DACS Information Package. We have updated it and you may find some additional products and services are available since you received the last version of this item. DACS Info. Packet Order Form
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