NGCR Project Support Environments

Several years ago the Navy initiated a program called the Next Generation Computer Resources (NGCR) Program to fulfill its needs for Navy standard computing resources for the coming years.

One of the areas chosen by NGCR for interface standardization is Project Support Environments (PSEs). The primary goal of the Project Support Environment Standards Working Group (PSESWG) was to provide an interface standard which could be used by project managers as an aid in procuring or assembling a PSE for a project or organization. The PSE standard would consist of a variety of standards chosen for compatibility, consistency, and the ability to support wide ranging PSE needs. Where possible, the PSE standard would support the use of commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) and government-off-the-shelf (GOTS) products.

A PSE Reference Model was developed along with an Available Technology Report. The reference model describes the functionality required of a PSE and provides the basis for determining and examining potential interface standards which might be used, interface requirements which have no standards but for which a standard might be desirable, and environment community consensus information.

The Available Technology Report. catalogues PSE standards of potential interest. It identifies relevant standards, briefly describes their focus and identifies locations of further information on the named standards. Classes of standards are also identified in the document.

While work remains in areas of standards examination and verifying conflicts, gaps, and overlaps in standards, the draw-down in defense and accompanying funding limitations will result in the conclusion of PSESWG activities at the end of FY93 instead of the original projection of FY98. The work done to date, however, provides a valuable look at PSEs and a strong foundation for future PSE examination.

For more information or to request a copy of the documents cited above contact:

LCDR Vincent Squitieri
SPAWAR 231-2B4
Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command
Washington, DC 20363-5100
(703) 769-7861, [email protected]