Volume 6, Number 1 - Topics in Software Engineering

Tech Views

by Lon R. Dean, DoD Software Tech News, Editor

In This Issue

This particular issue of the DACS Software Tech News is an attempt to discuss a variety of trends in the DoD Software Engineering Community.

The first article "Detecting Architectural Problems Before They Damage The System" describes the process by which we can allow for software changes while preventing architectural degeneration. Topics covered include; establishing guidelines and metrics to evaluate the architecture; defining the planned architecture; and comparing the actual design to the planned design in order to identify deviations.

The article "Software Engineering Education at West Point" presents an overview of Software Engineering principles taught to cadets at the United States Military Academy at West Point, NY. The article also relays information on seven specific research projects from the last two academic years. The titles of the projects covered in this article are:

The third article in this newsletter is a summary of a new DACS technical report by the report's authors. The article, "A New DACS State-Of-the-Art Report on Agile Methods" encapsulates the information from the report of the same name, giving the reader a brief overview of what can be found there. A DACS State-Of-the-Art Report (SOAR) is a Technical Report which gives a comprehensive overview of what is happening in the industry for a particular topic. In the discussion of this particular SOAR on Agile Methods, the article gives a brief history of how methods developed as a "need for an alternative to documentation driven, heavyweight software development processes".

The final article, "TARA: The DoD Technical Review Program" gives a brief overview of the Scope, Goals, and Process of the DoD Technical Area Review and Assessment (TARA) program.

Please provide any comments through the DACS website comment form at www.dacs.dtic.mil/forms/mailform.html or contact me.

Author Contact Information

Lon R. Dean
STN Editor
775 Daedalian Dr
Rome, NY 13441

Phone: (800) 214-7921
[email protected]

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