Volume 5, Number 4 - Return-On-Investment from Software Process Improvement

How to Estimate ROI for Inspections, PSPsm, TSPsm, SW-CMM®, ISO 9000, and CMMIsm

by David F. Rico, Independent Consultant

1. Introduction

Return-On-Investment (ROI) is the quantification of the financial return of an investment. In more technical terms, ROI is the actual value developed by comparing program costs to benefits, measuring the magnitude of benefits relative to costs, the net benefit after expending some level of resources, or profit computed by dividing net income by assets used.

This article shows software managers and engineers how to estimate ROI early, quickly, and accurately by applying practical top-down methods for rapidly producing estimates of ROI for popular approaches to Software Process Improvement (SPI) (and is based on Rico [1]). These approaches include: Inspections, Personal Software Processsm (PSP), Team Software Processsm (TSP), Software Capability Maturity Model® (SW-CMM), ISO 9001, and Capability Maturity Model Integrationsm (CMMI).

2. Model

While, one can spend months and years analyzing the literature and searching for relevant approaches to defining and estimating ROI, Phillips [2] provides one-stop shopping on this seemingly futile journey. Phillips defines the basic model for estimating ROI, as well as a complete process for applying these simple equations in a professional manner. Phillips' ROI model consists of two basic equations:

3. Examples

This section provides simple and relatively accurate examples of how to apply Phillips' basic equations for estimating the ROI of six major approaches to SPI.

B/CR calculations for each of the methods described here are shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1. B/CR Calculations

Phillips' B/CR and ROI% equations will be applied to benefit data from Rico [3] as well as other sources of SPI data. The six approaches to SPI are:

4. Inspection

Let's examine the dynamics of Inspection cost, benefit, and ROI analysis using Phillips' equations for B/CR and ROI%.

5. PSP

Now, let's examine the dynamics of PSP cost, benefit, and ROI analysis using Phillips' equations for B/CR and ROI%.

6. TSP

Now, let's examine the dynamics of TSP cost, benefit, and ROI analysis using Phillips' equations for B/CR and ROI%.


Now, let's examine the dynamics of SW-CMM Level 2 and 3 cost, benefit, and ROI analysis using Phillips' equations for B/CR and ROI%.

8. ISO 9001

Now, let's examine the dynamics of ISO 9001 cost, benefit, and ROI analysis using Phillips' equations for B/CR and ROI%.


Now, let's examine the dynamics of CMMI cost, benefit, and ROI analysis using Phillips' [2] equations for B/CR and ROI%.

10. Recommendations

This is an important part of the article. It is one of discovery, reflection, and future direction:

About the Author

David F. Rico is a SPI consultant specializing in cost and benefit analysis. As an SPI strategist he consults in cost, benefit, and Return-on-Investment (ROI) economic analyses of Software Engineering standards, design, deployment, and measurement of software cost, quality, and reliability metrics and models, and design of measurement-intensive Software Quality Management Systems (SQMS).

His work includes; helping to design a $250M Software Engineering Toolset and the spacecraft software for NASA's $20B space station in the 1980s, performing graduate studies under SEI Level 5 space shuttle managers, aiding a $40B Japanese corporation to design a CMM self assessment tool in 1993, and designing a software cost model for 37 kinds of U.S. Navy fighter aircraft, helping to reengineer 36 logistics depots for America's largest foreign military customer. Rico also played key roles in the design of U.S. military intelligence satellites, and has supported 15 Software Engineering Process Groups (SEPGs) over the last decade.

Rico has over 19 years of Software Engineering experience. He has been an international keynote speaker, published numerous articles, and holds a B.S. in Computer Science and Master's Degree in Software Engineering.

Author Contact Information

David F. Rico
Phone: (443) 756-7118
E-mail: [email protected]
URL: http://davidfrico.com

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