Volume 4 Number 4 - Software Agents

©Msg*Log: References

[1] Joint Vision 2020, US Department of Defense, Staff, J-7, Joint Doctrine Division Support Group, [email protected], http://www.dtic.mil/jv2020/

[2] White Paper: Application-Driven Ultra*Log Robustness Metrics, Wells, D.L., OBJS, April, 2001, http://www.objs.com/.

[3] Msg*Log Message Transport Policy, Thompson, C.W and Wells, D.W., OBJS, April, 2001, http://www.objs.com/.

[4] Estimating Service Failure, Wells, D.L. and Langworthy, D.E., OBJS, May, 1999, http://www.objs.com/Survivability/EstimatingServiceFailure.html.

[5] Advanced Logistics Project Homepage, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, http://www.darpa.mil/darpatech99/presentations.htm.

[6] Ultra*Log Homepage, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, http://dtsn.darpa.mil/ixo/programdetail.asp?progid=34.

[7] Cougaar Homepage, http://www.cougaar.net/.

[8] Msg*Log Homepage, Object Services and Consulting, http://www.objs.com/ultralog/.

[9] Routing in Telecommunications Networks with "Smart" Ant-Like Agents, Bonabeau, E., Henaux, F., Gu'erin, S., Snyers, D, Kuntz, P. and Theraulaz, G., Santa Fe Institute, 1998, http://www.santafe.edu/research/publications/wpabstract/199801003.

[10] Horus, a Flexible Group Communication System, Renesse, R., Birman, K. and Maffeis, S., Communications of the ACM, April 1996.

[11] Advanced Logistics Project: Program Briefing, Carrico, T., DARPA ISO, 1998, http://www.darpa.mil/darpatech99/presentations.htm.

[12] Specifying and Measuring Quality of Service in Distributed Object Systems, Loyall, J.P., Schantz, R.E., Zinky, J.A., Bakken D.E., Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Object-Oriented Real-Time Distributed Computing (ISORC '98), 20-22 April 1998, Kyoto, Japan, http://www.dist-systems.bbn.com/papers/1998/ISORC.

[13] Quality of Service Adaptation for Ultra*Log Core, Zinky, J., Ultra*Log Developers Meeting, April 2001, http://www.ultralog.net/products/meetings/4April/4l_QoSUltraLogDev-Apr2001-5.ppt

[14] Msg*Log Metrics, Wells, D.W., OBJS, April, 2001, http://www.objs.com/msglog/

[15] DARPA Control of Agent Based Systems (CoABS) Program: The CoABS Grid, Global InfoTek, Inc., March, 2000, http://coabs.globalinfotek.com/public/downloads/Grid/documents/Grid%20Vision%20Doc%20Draft%202-3%202001-09-30.doc.

[16] Architecture of an Open Object-Oriented Database Management System, Wells, D.L., Blakeley, J., Thompson, C.W., IEEE Computer, Vol. 25, No. 10, October 1992.