Volume 4 Number 4 - Software Agents
Dr. James Hendler is currently working at the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) as a Program Manager in the Information Technology Office.
Dr. Hendler is on a leave of absence from the University of Maryland where he continues to retain his status as a professor and head of both the Autonomous Mobile Robotics Laboratory and the Advanced Information Technology Laboratory. He has joint appointments in the Department of Computer Science, the Institute for Advanced Computer Studies and the Institute for Systems Research, and he is also an affiliate of the Electrical Engineering Department.
He is the author of the book Integrating Marker-Passing and Problem Solving: An Activation Spreading Approach to Improved Choice in Planning. He has also authored over 100 technical papers in artificial intelligence, robotics, intelligent agents and high performance computing. Hendler was the recipient of a 1995 Fulbright Foundation Fellowship, is a member of the US Air Force Science Advisory Board, and is a Fellow of the American Association for Artificial Intelligence.
Laura Douglass is currently at Schafer Corporation, where she provides technical and analytical support to the Agent Based Computing program at DARPA. Previously, she was the Special Assistant to the Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Science and Technology, and spent several years providing program management support to the Office of Naval Research while on contract from the Pennsylvania State University's Applied Research Laboratory.