Nondestructive Testing Information Analysis Center (NTIAC)


NTIAC provides technical expertise, authoritative analysis, engineering services, and laboratory support in responding to DoD, other Government agency, and industry requests and needs in areas related to Nondestructive Evaluation (NDE). Present day advanced technology requires materials, components, and structures of unprecedented efficiency, operating nearly at their ultimate capability; at the same time, approaches are being sought to cut costs by extending the life of many aging structures and operating systems. As a result, there are increasing requirements for capabilities to test, inspect, and evaluate nondestructively to ensure quality, reliability and safety.

NTIAC specializes in all aspects of nondestructive evaluation, inspection, and testing in the broadest possible sense. NTIAC applies NDE technology to meet DoD, other government agency, and industry needs: in designing new advanced materials and processes, for on-line process control during the manufacture of advanced materials and systems, for in-service inspection to increase life expectancy, and to provide a basis for condition based maintenance decisions.

NTIAC has compiled a Nondestructive Evaluation (NDE) Capabilities Data Book which consolidates and organizes available reference data for demonstrated NDE performance capabilities into a single source. The Data Book contains over 400 Probability of Detection (POD) curves dealing with a large variety of nondestructive evaluation applications, such as cracks in J85 seventh stage compressor disk bolt holes and cracks in aircraft aluminum lap splice joints. The Data Book is an excellent source of information for selecting options for use of NDE to assure fracture critical structural integrity design requirements and in life cycle maintenance operations. The Data Book is available from NTIAC in both hard copy and CD formats. The CD format contains all of the measurement data used to construct the POD curves. Although the POD plots are based on "hit/miss" data using a log-logistic analysis, users can apply other statistical analysis programs to the raw data. The POD information in the Data Book can be used with life assessment programs such as NASA/FLAGRO to perform damage tolerance analyses.

The Nondestructive Testing Information Analysis Center (NTIAC) is a full-service Information Analysis Center sponsored by the Defense Technical Information Center (DTIC) and operated under contract by Texas Research Institute Austin, Inc. (TRI/Austin) in Austin, Texas.

Goals and Objectives

NTIAC's mission is to increase the productivity of the nation's scientists, engineers, and technical managers involved in nondestructive testing, evaluation, and inspection (NDT/E/I) by providing broad information analysis services of technical excellence.

Products and Services

Contact Information

415 Crystal Creek Drive
Austin, TX 78746

Phone: (512) 263-2106, (800) 684-2239
Fax: (512) 263-3530

E-mail: [email protected]

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