The IAC Program Overview

Lon R. Dean, Data & Analysis Center for Software (DACS)

What is an IAC?

IACs are formal organizations chartered by the DoD to facilitate utilization of existing scientific and technical information. The IACs are staffed by experienced technical area scientists, engineers, and information specialists. They establish and maintain comprehensive knowledge bases which include historical, technical, scientific, and other data and information collected on a worldwide basis. The information they maintain includes a wide range of valuable information pertinent to their respective technical communities. IACs also collect, maintain, and develop analytical tools and techniques including databases, models, and simulations. There are thirteen Defense Technical Information Center (DTIC) funded IACs. These are contractor operated and administratively managed by Office of the Program Manager, DoD Information Analysis Centers.

IAC Mission

The primary mission for DoD IACs is to collect, analyze, synthesize, and disseminate worldwide scientific and technical information in clearly defined, specialized fields or subject areas. A secondary mission is to promote standardization within their respective fields. The IACs have a broad mission to improve the productivity of scientists, engineers, managers, and technicians in the Defense community through timely dissemination of evaluated information.

There are 22 DoD IACs. This newsletter is devoted to the 13 centers that are sponsored or co-sponsored by the Defense Technical Information Center (DTIC).

What do IACs Provide?

IACs provide easy access to essential, timely information. To improve your productivity, our Subject Matter Experts (SME) stay up to date on the latest developments in the scientific and technical communities. In their area of technical expertise (see each individual IAC's description in this newsletter) the IAC will find the answer to your scientific and technical questions. They will even evaluate the data and respond based on your specific needs. Think of the IACs as a staff of scientists, engineers and information specialists ready to help conduct research on a specific subject.

Each IAC focuses on a specific technical area. Each maintains knowledge bases of historical, technical, and scientific information related to their particular technical area. Not only do the IACs collect and store data from worldwide sources but they also create and distribute a wide range of software, models, and other analytical tools.

In addition to these services, each IAC publishes numerous technical documents, including databooks, state-of-the-art reports (SOAR), technology assessments, research directories and a newsletter focusing on the trends and developments in the specific IAC's technical focus area. This newsletter, The DoD Software Tech News, is the newsletter published by the Data & Analysis Center for Software (DACS) IAC.

Many IAC products and services are available free of charge or for a small cost recovery fee to cover things such as copying.

Technical Area Tasks (TATs)

Unlike other IAC products and services, TATs are separately funded work efforts over and above basic IAC products and services. TATs are very flexible in nature and can vary from a fraction of a staff year to many staff years. Costs can run from a few thousand dollars to several million.

These tasks may be ordered by any DoD component, U.S. government agency or department, subject to appropriate agreement.

For a complete IAC directory including phone numbers, addresses, Web Sites and E-mail addresses visit

DTIC IACs make finding the right information at the right time easy.

IAC Program Contact Information

Defense Technical Information Center
Attn: IAC Program Office (DTIC-AI)
8725 John J Kingman Rd, Suite 0944
Fort Belvoir, VA 22060-6218

Phone: (703) 767-9120, DSN: 427-9120
Fax: (703) 767-9119, DSN: 427-9119
[email protected]

Author Contact Information

Lon R. Dean
Data & Analysis Center for Software (DACS)
775 Daedalian Drive
Rome, NY 13441-4909

Phone: (800) 241-7921, (315) 334-4916
Fax: (315) 334-4964

E-mail: [email protected]

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