Defense Technical Information Center (DTIC) Overview

Lon R. Dean, Data & Analysis Center for Software (DACS)


The Defense Technical Information Center (DTIC), a key element of the Department of Defense (DoD) Scientific and Technical Information Program, is the central DoD facility for providing access to and facilitating the exchange of scientific and technical information. DTIC is an element of the Defense Information Systems Agency.images

A key element of the DoD Scientific and Technical Information Program, DTIC is the central facility for providing access to and facilitating the exchange of scientific and technical information. The DTIC Website describes the wide variety of products and services available from DTIC which are designed to assist our users in obtaining the information they need easily and quickly. DTIC's motto is "providing the right information at the right time."


To provide quality information infrastructure that permits individual use and collaborative efforts by providing authorized access to information worldwide; to maintain a central repository of Defense information; and, working together, DTIC's staff is the momentum behind DTIC's technological advances.

As an element of the Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA), in support of our nation's warfighters and the defense community who stands behind them, DTIC provides access to and facilitates the exchange of scientific and technical information thereby contributing to the management and conduct of Defense research, development, and acquisition efforts.

U.S. Government organizations and their contractors are eligible to register for DTIC's products and services. In addition, special arrangements for registration are made for participants in the Potential Defense Contractors, the University Research Support, the Historically Black Colleges and Universities, and the Small Business Innovation Research Programs. Because of the nature of the information that DTIC handles, users must qualify for service from DTIC. However, a significant portion of DTIC held information is available to the general public from the National Technical Information Service. Additionally, the DTIC Website provides several World Wide Web sites, including DefenseLINK, the official DoD Website, as well as anonymous ftp sites to anyone on the public Internet. These Internet services provide a wide array of information such as DoD press releases, DoD directives and instructions, and photographs.


The scope of DTIC's collection includes areas normally associated with Defense research; however, since DoD's interests are widespread, the collection also contains information on biology, chemistry, energy, environmental sciences, oceanography, computer sciences, sociology, logistics, and human factors engineering.

DTIC holdings include:

DTIC also has a Manpower and Training Research Information System (MATRIS) site located in San Diego, CA, as well as regional offices located in Boston, MA; Dayton, OH; Albuquerque, NM; and El Segundo, CA.

IAC Program Contact Information

Defense Technical Information Center
8725 John J Kingman Rd, Suite 0944
Fort Belvoir, VA 22060-6218

Phone: (703) 767-9120, DSN: 427-9120
Fax: (703) 767-9119, DSN: 427-9119
[email protected]

Author Contact Information

Lon R. Dean
Data & Analysis Center for Software (DACS)
775 Daedalian Drive
Rome, NY 13441-4909

Phone: (800) 241-7921, (315) 334-4916
Fax: (315) 334-4964

E-mail: [email protected]

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