DACS Product Announcement:

The DACS Software Reliability Sourcebook


Over the past several years, the phenomenal growth of software reliability engineering has resulted in hundreds of hardcopy and on-line resources for both researchers and practitioners.

There appears to be a need, therefore, to bring together basic software reliability techniques and available resources for additional information into one concise handbook that can be used to meet the day-to-day requirements of the practitioner while still satisfying those wishing to expand their understanding of the subject matter. Development and publication of The DACS Software Reliability Sourcebook is intended to meet that need.


The DACS Software Reliability Sourcebook is intended to be a resource for software developers, testers and managers that will include, as a minimum:

In addition to these basic concepts and definitions the following areas of the DACS Software Reliability Sourcebook will have an additional DACS URL location that will cross-reference to applicable Websites and keep these references up-to-date in "real-time".

Material for this publication will be developed from the available published literature, Internet on-line searches, internal DACS software reliability engineering expertise, and the DACS Expert Network.

This Product Will Be Available, June 2000.

To Purchase this product contact:

DACS Customer Liaison
Anne Robinson
Data & Analysis Center for Software
775 Daedalian Dr.
Rome, NY 13441-4909
Phone: (315) 334-4905, (800) 214-7921
Fax: (315) 334-4964
[email protected]

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