Using Models for Test Generation and Analysis

Mark R. Blackburn, Software Productivity Consortium


Systems are increasing in complexity. More systems perform mission-critical functions, and dependability requirements such as safety, reliability, availability, and security are vital to the users of these systems. The competitive marketplace is forcing companies to define or adopt new approaches to reduce the time-to-market as well as the development cost of these critical systems. Much focus has been placed on front-end development efforts, not realizing that testing accounts for 40 to 75 percent of the lifetime development and maintenance costs [3; 11]. Testing is traditionally performed at the end of development, but market-driven schedules often force organizations to release products before they are adequately tested. The long-term effect is increased warranty costs due to product’s poor reliability and poor quality.

Model-based development tools are increasing in use because they provide tangible benefits by supporting simulation and code generation, in addition to the traditional design and analysis activities. These tools help users develop requirements and design models of target systems. Certain tools are based on formal models, and the underlying models are represented using specification languages. Such formal specifications provide a basis for test case generation. However, the underlying development models are generally not represented in a form that supports automatic test case generation. The key challenge is to translate development-oriented modeling languages into a form that is suitable for automated test vector generation, specification-based test coverage analysis, requirement to test traceability, and design-to-test traceability.

Using Models for Testing and Analysis

Figure 1 illustrates a conceptual view for using models to support test generation and analysis. Models and their associated tools typically provide various views of the system under development. When modeling tools are based on precise semantics, user models can also support:

Figure 1. Using Models for Test Generation and Analysis
Copyright (c) 1998 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. Reprinted, with permission, from the Proceedings of Digital System Conference 1998.

Modeling tools are beginning to support simulation and code generation. Simulation of a model can help developers assess the correctness of the model with respect to user requirements; however, it can be time consuming to develop the simulation data required for thorough dynamic analysis. Automatically generated test vectors can provide a cost effective way to exercise a model in a simulator using the boundary values associated with the constraints of a model specification; it is at the boundaries where model anomalies are typically discovered. In addition, these same test vectors can also be used to test the code in a host or target environment.


This article describes the use of automated test generation and analysis from specification models. Through the integration of commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) model development and test generation tools, a process has been developed that eliminates most of the traditional testing activities. This approach has been demonstrated to identify many types of specification errors prior to any implementation. This article is based on experiences in developing two model translators [4; 5] supporting:

For each respective method and associated tool, the translators produce a specification that is used by the T-VEC tool system to generate test vectors and perform specification-based test coverage analysis. The model transformation process is briefly described using a specification example. The article summarizes the results of applying the process and tools to industrial applications.

Models and Specifications

Formal specifications provide simple abstract descriptions of the required behaviors describing what the software should do. Because formal specifications have, in the past, been considered difficult to use, they have not been widely used. Recent advances in visual model-based development tools provide the basis for developing formal specifications while hiding the formalism. It has been commonly accepted that formal specifications provide a basis for test case generation. Goodenough and Gerhart may have been the first to claim that testing based only on a program implementation is fundamentally flawed [8]. Gourlay developed a mathematical framework for specification-based testing [10]. Figure 2 graphically represents Gourlay’ s mathematical framework for testing and the key relationships between specifications, tests, and programs. Given a specification that describes the requirements for some system, there are one or more programs that implement the specification. Tests are derived from the specification; if every test executed by a program computes the appropriate expected results (i.e., passes every test), there is some level of confidence that the program satisfies the specification.

In Figure 2, the specification symbol (i.e., rounded rectangle) is generically used to represent requirement, design, or test specifications. Certain specification languages have tool support that helps in developing complete and consistent specifications. Such tools provide the syntactic and semantic rigor that is required for transforming specifications into a form suitable for test vector generation. Model-based specification methods that support functional, state transition, and event based techniques are increasing in popularity and use because the tool support has helped make them easier to use1.

Figure 2. Testing Model and Relationships

A model-based specification approach constructs an abstract model of the system states and characterizes how a state is changed by abstract or concrete operations (paraphrased from Cohen et al. and Cooke et al. [7; 6]). Operations in the system are specified by defining the state changes or events that affect the model using existing mathematical constructs like sets or functions. State transitions define relationships between sequences of states based on conditions of the system state. Event specifications define certain conditions related to a change in the system state1.

A test specification model is defined by a set of test specification elements, as shown in Figure 3. A test specification element is an input-to-output relation and an associated constraint defined by a conjunction (i.e., logically ANDed) of Boolean-valued relations that define constraints on the inputs associated with the input-to-output relation.

Figure 3. Representation of Test Specification Model

Given a specification element, a test vector is a set of test input values derived from the constraint, and an expected output value derived from the input-to-output relation with respect to the test input values [1]. Informally, from a test generation perspective, a specification is satisfiable if at least one test vector exists for every specification element [2].

Model Transformation

Model transformations are typically required to transform model-based specifications into a form to support test generation. Hierons describes rewriting rules for Z specifications [13] to support test case generation, but does not address specifications composed of combinations of specification techniques, particularly specifications composed using event specification techniques. In general, model transformation to support tool interoperability is an important area of investigation [9].

Blackburn [5] describes a tool based approach for transforming a model-based specification into a form that supports test vector generation. The model-based specification supports composition using function, state, and event specifications. A translator implements rules for transforming SCR model specifications into a language used by the T-VEC test vector generation tool. The development of the prototype translator and evaluation environment helped identify shortcomings in the rules described in prior work that was presented at the 1997 Computer Assurance Conference [2].

Similar model transformation efforts, not described in this article, were performed for the ROOM method using the Object Time Developer tool set as part of the validation environment[4]. Evaluation Environment

Figure 4 identifies generic tool types that are related to the elements of the test model shown in Figure 2. Such tools use or produce the three primary types of system artifacts (i.e., specifications, programs, and tests). A specific instance of this model was created to support the model transformation approach using the SCR tool (referred to as SCR* - pronounced SCR star) as the source for model-based specifications and the T-VEC tool system as the tool that supports test generation and specification-based coverage analysis.

Figure 4. Tools of the Evaluation Environment

SCR*, developed by the Naval Research Laboratory, supports modeling and analysis of requirement specifications using a formal modeling language (i.e., a language with well-defined syntax and semantics).

T-VEC, developed by T-VEC Technologies, Inc. supports:

Applications and Results

The remainder of this article describes a simple example to illustrate the use of this approach for model analysis and testing. Consider the example of an electronic regulator, shown in Figure 5. The requirements for the regulator are:

The specification is described in the SCR tabular notation. Heitmeyer, et al. [14] describes the SCR method. The specifications are defined in two parts. The first part of the specification defines the relationships between the temperature and the associated modes that relate to the temperature zones. This is referred to as the Sensor Mode Table shown in Figure 5. The system can be in one of three modes: LOW, READY, and HIGH. At the time when the temperature becomes greater than the constant Low (i.e., 120 degrees), the system transitions into the mode READY. The formal expansion of the event is:

@T(Temp >= Low) means:
if the previous value of Temp denoted NOT(_Temp >= Low)
and the new value of Temp >= Low then the event is true
and the mode transitions from LOW to READY

Figure 5. Example of Electronic Regulator

Table 1 shows the translated meaning for each event specification of the Sensor Mode Table. For each constraint, there is a minimal set of tests as shown in Table 2. The T-VEC test generation system uses a test selection heuristic based on domain testing theory where low-bound and high-bound values are selected for each constraint2. For example, the first test selects the low-bound value for the previous state value of_TEMP3(-100), which is less than the constant Low, and selects a value of 120 for the next state value of TEMP. For the high-bound selection, the value of 119 (i.e., one less that the constant Low) is selected for _TEMP, and 179 for TEMP (i.e., one less than the constant High).

Table 1. Relationship of Translated Constraints
Events Translation
@T(TemD >= Low)
(Temp >= Low) AND ( Temp < Low)
@T(Temp >= High)
(Temp >= High) AND ( Temp < High)
@T(Temp < Low) (Temp < Low) AND (_Temp >= Low)

Table 2. Tests for Each Translated Constraint
  Outputs Inputs
Translation Sensor
Sensor Temp __Temp
(Temp >= Low) AND
( Temp < Low)
(Temp >= High) AND
( Temp < High)
(Temp >= Low) AND
( Temp < Low)

The second part of the specification defines the constraints and functions for the Value Condition Table shown in Figure 5. This table depends on the Sensor Mode Table. The Valve Condition Table is interpreted as follows:

if Sensor mode = High then
	Valve = 255-(Max_Temp-Temp
	* 255/(High-Low))	
else	if Sensor mode = LOW 
	or Sensor mode = READY then
	Valve = 0

Each SCR output variable and associated function map to a T-VEC functional relationship of an output variable with respect to the constraints on the input variables. The SCR model does not necessarily define a system state strictly in terms of constraints on the input variables as is required for T-VEC. For example, the Sensor mode is defined in terms of a mode transition table. This results in table dependencies as illustrated in Figure 6. The mode variables and the associated table relations must be transformed into constraints on the input variables.

Figure 6 provides a perspective of the example SCR specification represented in a form that is compatible with the test model shown in Figure 3. The constraint for the Valve Condition Table includes the conditions of the Valve table and the Sensor Mode transition table. This means that the constraint:

(Temp >= High) AND (_Temp < High)

must be satisfied (i.e., the Sensor mode is HIGH) as a requirement for the value to be computed using the functional relationship:

  1. 255-(Max_Temp-Temp

  2. * 255/(High-Low))

In general, mode transition tables can have dependencies on other terms and modes. Events for modes and terms create the need to identify the previous and next state variable dependencies. As shown in Figure 6, the Sensor Mode table depends on both the previous and next state input value of Temp; similarly the condition table Valve depends on the previous and next states of variables Temp and Sensor.

Figure 6. Dependency Relationship

A test specification requires the constraints of a specification to be defined strictly in terms of the input and output variables. A model-based approach defines states that are relations of inputs, terms, or state variables (e.g., Sensor, _Sensor). This allows the constraint/precondition and functional relationship (defined in terms of a Condition Table) to be defined as a relation on inputs, states, or terms. This approach typically simplifies the task of specifying behavior, but it is the key reason why a model transformation process is required.

Static Analysis

Static analysis helps determine whether there are contradictions in the model without executing the model. Contradictions exist if constraints cannot be satisfied. This is typically the most common problem, especially when the dependencies of specifications become large. This example is a simple 2-level dependency problem, but typical systems can have 10 or more dependency levels. It is also possible to identify functional relationships that specify values that are inconsistent with the domain of the output variables. These are analogous to computation errors in the code.

Consider the function to compute the Valve function. The requirements are that as the temperature reaches the maximum temperature (i.e., 300 degrees), the valve should be completely opened, and when the value reaches the constant Low (i.e., 120 degrees), the valve should be closed. Electronically controlled devices typically use some type of digital value to represent a fully open valve (in this case 255 - an 8-bit unsigned integer), and the value should be 0 when the valve is closed. It is common for implementors to make errors in scaled arithmetic conversions. To illustrate this point, the computation has two errors.

Figure 7 shows a sample test vector that has identified a problem in the computation. A warning is appended to the expected output because the computation is out of range. This is typically an indication that there is a computation error in the specification or that there are missing constraints on the inputs. The original expression (line 1 of the functional relationship under Figure 6) is missing parentheses around Max_Temp-Temp. In line 2, the subtraction should be Max_Temp-Low rather than High-Low. The correct computation is as follow:

255-((Max_Temp-Temp) * 255/(Max_Temp-Low))

Figure 7. Internal Form of Test Vector with Warning

Identifying this type of problem is time consuming. In addition, it is well known that identification and removal of errors in the implementation or integration phase is much more costly than it is during the requirements phase. Figure 8 provides a summary of a minimal set of test values for the translated condition table for Valve. In this figure, the associated test selection mode (i.e, LOW_BOUND, HIGH_BOUND) is also shown.

      Output Inputs Test Selection
Mode Conditions Valve Sensor _Sensor Temp _Temp
255.00 HIGH READY 179 119 HIGH_BOUND

Figure 8. Test Vectors for Valve Condition Table

Sample Results

Table 3 shows some sample results on the application of this approach to other systems. Each specification originally had one or more specification problems or anomalies. As seen in Figure 5, the electronic regulator problem is very small (two tables, five functional relationships, six constraints, and a maximum depth of two table dependencies). A flight guidence system is a real-world industrial problem [16]; it has 78 tables, 423 functional relationships, 7,349 constraints, and a maximum dependency depth of 12. The results on this project are planned for publication in the next year.

Table 3. Sample Results Statistic
Functional Relationship Constraint Level
Temperature Regulator 1   1 5 6 2
Safety Injection 1 1 1 10 68 3
Electronic Flight Instrumentation System 37 5 0 88 389 3
Elevator System 10 6 0 38 90 3
Flight Guidence System 49 15 14 423 7349 12


Software testing will play a role in the development of software systems for some time to come. Although testing can account for 40 to 75 percent of the lifetime development and maintenance costs, the results summarized in this article provide promising evidence that the use of test automation to support the manually intensive test generation and model-based analysis is feasible and practical.

There is a great need to demonstrate and integrate new and advanced technologies. This article describes an environment developed to validate the use of model-based translators on real-world applications. The environment integrates model-based development tools with a specification-based test vector generator and specification-based coverage analyzer.

As modeling tools and associated methodologies continue to evolve, these results provide the basis for building translators for other modeling tools. This allows new tooling technology to be integrated with existing tools and has the indirect effects of reducing the cost and time of specialized training and tool expenditures.

The ability to integrate front-end development tools with back-end testing tools fosters the use of model-development tools, and such tools can significantly reduce the maintenance phase of a product, which typically consumes 70 percent of the product life cycle. Maintenance typically requires minimal development effort but typically large efforts in testing. Because the original developers usually are not available to assist in maintenance and evolution efforts, test automation can significantly minimize reverification efforts because the designer’s requirement and design knowledge is captured in model specifications.

About the Author

Author Contact Information

Mark R. Blackburn, Ph.D., is the President of T-VEC Technologies, Inc. and co-inventor of the T-VEC system, an advanced specification and verification environment. Blackburn has eighteen years of software systems engineering experience in development, project leadership and applied research in specification-based testing, object technology, requirement and design specification, formal methods, and formal verification.

Mark is currently Chief Technologist at the Software Productivity Consortium where his current assignment includes the development of a specification-based test automation framework; he is developing a generalized specification-based testing model and language that is being used to support translators for four specification-based methods and associated tools (two requirement specification methods, a real-time OO design specification method, and a hybrid structured/object-based design method). He has also been involved in applied research and advanced technology demonstrations in web-based knowledge engineering, domain engineering, reverse engineering of programs to specifications, object technology, formal methods approaches to high assurance, requirement specification and model-based verification.

Mark R. Blackburn
Software Productivity Consortium
Technical Information Center
2214 Rock Hill Road
Herndon, VA 22070 USA
E-mail: [email protected]

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