
  1. Zave and Jackson [21] identify potential implementation bias of model-oriented techniques but support the claim that model-oriented techniques are gaining in popularity.

  2. White and Cohen proposed domain testing theory as a strategy to select test points to reveal domain errors [19]. Their theory is based on the premise that if there is no coincidental correctness, then test cases that localize the boundaries of domains with arbitrarily high precision are sufficient to test all the points in the domain. When there is a strong correlation between the specification constraints and implementation paths, the selected test data should uncover computation and domain errors. As defined by Howden and refined later by Zeil, a computation error occurs when the correct path through the program is taken, but the output is incorrect due to faults in the computation along the path. A domain error occurs when an incorrect output is generated due to executing the wrong path through a program [15; 20].

  3. An underbar (_) precedes the variable name to indicate that the variable represents the previous state variable before the event versus the next state variable after the event.