The OASYS software was developed as the result of a Data & Analysis Center for Software (DACS) Technical Area Task (TAT) for the Army Research, Development and Engineering Center (ARDEC). The objective of the task was to evaluate the concept of employing modern software engineering principles of open systems, relational databases, fourth generation application managers, and object oriented design to the critical problems inherent in their paper-bound processes. The OASYS software combines these concepts with
client/server architecture producing a powerful, portable, easy-to-learn toolset that drastically reduces both development and maintenance time and costs.
The Technical Data Package Tracker, operating for the past three years at ARDEC, has been credited with reducing the average processing time for certifying technical data packages of weapons systems from over 190 days to less than 30 days at a conservative estimate of $400,000 per day. Maintained on a day-to-day basis by one government employee, this system electronically connects the Armament Munitions and Chemical Command (AMCCOM) engineering staffs at Dover, New Jersey; Rock Island, Illinois and Aberdeen, Texas.
The Watervliet Arsenal is applying the OASYS Toolset to their complex acquisition system. The Automated Acquisition System will process procurement requests, including those generated by their manufacturing system, through the funds certification, hazardous materials, and concurrence processes, and will deliver these electronically to the Army's Standard Contracting System.
The Defense Technical Information Center (DTIC) is applying the OASYS Toolset to the processing of Technical Area Tasks for the Information Analysis Center (IAC)Program. Task packages, consisting of Statements of Work, Work Plans, Technical and Cost Proposals and other documentation, must be routed for review and approval across wide geographical areas.
The Life Cycle Software Engineering Center is using the OASYS Toolset to upgrade their ten year old automated acquisition system. This system has been extremely successful and has been credited with substantial reductions in time and cost during the acquisition process. However, since it was developed using older technologies, it is not easily modified and enhanced. The OASYS based system will provide the same functionality with a significant reduction in time and cost for support.