The SERP database contains descriptions of software engineering research projects. SERP citations are profiles of Research and Development (R&D) projects in the fields of Artificial Intelligence (AI), robotics, and software engineering.
The SETI database is a collection of citations containing descriptive information on software engineering tools. SETI citations are indexed by data elements including operating system, target system, and the life cycle phase(s) which the tool supports.
Data collection packages for both the SERP and SETI databases will be distributed during September 1993 via surface mail to portions of the DACS user community. In addition, electronic versions of the data collection forms are available via E-mail to any organization wishing to submit data for inclusion in either database. Send an E-mail request to [email protected] to receive the SERP and/or SETI data collection forms. Include the appropriate "send" command(s) in the body of the message (not the Subject): send serp survey or send seti survey.
Direct questions regarding this effort to the following DACS contact:
Mr. Jim DeLude
SETI Database Administrator
(315) 334-4905, [email protected]