Since its inception, the SEL has collected detailed data on GSFC software development projects. The NASA/SEL Dataset includes high-level schedule information for each project, such as major milestone dates; low-level schedule and effort data, such as weekly effort data; detailed size and metrics data, such as Source Lines of Code (SLOC) for each module in a project; and detailed change and problem report data. The NASA/SEL Dataset also contains data from controlled experiments on new technologies such as code reading, cleanroom development, Ada, and Object Oriented Design. In short, no more detailed, thorough, and complete single source of empirical software data is publicly available.
An updated version of the NASA/SEL Dataset is now available from the DACS. The NASA/SEL Dataset is distributed on three 9-track ANSI standard tapes at a cost of $150. The "Software Engineering Laboratory (SEL) Database Organization and User's Guide, Revision 2 (October 1992)" is included with each order.
Contact Mr. Robert Vienneau with any questions regarding the NASA/SEL Dataset or the DACS Data Analysis Program:
Mr. Robert Vienneau, Data Analyst
(315) 334-4905, [email protected]