Ada Compiler Evalutation System(ACES)

A New DACS Product

The Ada Compiler Evaluation System (ACES), Version 1.0, is now available from the DACS. The ACES is a merger of the Ada Compiler Evaluation Capability (U.S.) and the Ada Evaluation System (U.K.). The primary purpose of ACES is to determine performance and usability characteristics of Ada compilation systems. ACES consists of a Software Product, a User's Guide, a Reader's Guide, and a Version Description Document.

The ACES Software Product consists of performance test, assessor tools, and support software. The software product makes it possible to:

The basis of ACES is a set of performance tests and assessors, implemented in Ada. Performance tests measure compilation and execution speed and memory requirements. Assessor tools help to assess system capacities and the quality of symbolic debuggers, Ada program library systems, and diagnostic messages.

The support software is a set of tools that helps to prepare and execute the performance tests, extract data from result logs, and analyze the performance measurements. The support tools are:

The ACES is available for $100 from the DACS. The ACES is available on a 6250 bpi 9-track VMS backup tape and is provided with accompanying documentation. The information package may be ordered by using the form found in this newsletter.

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