Software Risk Management

Software Risk Management is a proactive approach for minimizing the uncertainty and potential loss associated with a project. Some categories of risk include product size, business impact, customer-related, process, technology, development environment, staffing (size and experience), schedule, and cost.

Providing insights to support informed decision making is the primary objective of Risk Management. In contrast, Risk Management practice concentrates on performing bottom-up, detailed, continuous assessment of risk and opportunity. It focuses on addressing the day-to-day operational risks that a program faces. Risk Management follows a two-stage, repeatable and iterative process of assessment (i.e., the identification, estimation and evaluation of the risks confronting a program) and management (i.e., the planning for, monitoring of, and controlling of the means to eliminate or reduce the likelihood or consequences of the risks discovered). It is performed continually over the life of a program, from initiation to retirement.

Related Topics include Software Reliability and Software Quality

Software Risk Management Resources:

  • Risk Management Case Studies - Studies describing the impact of risk on software projects.

  • Risk Management Education and Training - Courses, seminars, conferences, training products, and resources for learning about Software Risk Management.

  • Risk Management Experts - Researchers, educators, and experts in Software Risk Management and related topics.

  • Risk Management Related Sites - Information rich sites containing materials relevant to Software Risk Management.

  • Risk Management Service Providers - Organizations and corporations offering Software Risk Management products and services.

  • Risk Management Literature - Literature devoted to Software Risk Management.

    Articles and White Papers

    Technical Reports

    Risk Management Books

    Risk Management Journals and E-Journals

    Risk Management Libraries and Bibliographies

  • Risk Management Tools and Methods - Developers, catalogs, and demonstrations of Software Risk Management tools and methods.

  • Risk Management- DoD Resources - Materials created by or of special interest to the Department of Defense and the DoD support community.

  • Sidney Harris Cartoon on Risk Management This cartoon was reproduced in the DoD Software Tech News vol. 2, no. 2 with permission from Sidney Harris.

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