Software Reliability is the application of statistical techniques to data collected during system development and operation to specify, predict, estimate, and assess the reliability of software-based systems. "Software Reliability Engineering (SRE) is a standard, proven best practice that makes testing more reliable, faster, and cheaper. It can be applied to any system using software and to frequently-used members of software component libraries."
Software Reliability Resources:
DACS Reliability Services - Software Reliability resources available form the DACS.
DACS Reliability Services - A PDF brochure you can download to
learn more about the DACS Reliability Services.
DACS Software Reliability Sourcebook - The DACS Software
Reliability Sourcebook is intended to meet the need for basic
Software Reliability techniques and available resources into one
concise handbook.
Datasets and Empirical Data - Sources of software reliability datasets and empirical data.
- DACS Software Reliability Dataset- This dataset consists
of software failure data on 16 projects. The data was collected throughout
the mid-1970s. It represents projects from a variety of applications
including real time command and control, word processing, commercial,
and military applications.
DoD Related Software Reliability Resources - Software Reliability resources created by or of special interest to the DoD community.
DACS Reliability Services - A PDF brochure you can download to
learn more about the DACS Reliability Services.
Reliability Analysis Center (RAC) - The RAC is an Information
Analysis Center (IAC) chartered by the Department of Defense (DoD) to
serve as a Government and industry focal point to improve the reliability,
maintainability, quality, and supportability of manufactured components
and systems. A major emphasis of the RAC is to collect and disseminate
data and information relating to reliability, maintainability, quality,
supportability, and testability.
STSC's Software Reliability Service - This service is intended
for personnel interested in advanced uses of software quality
measurements to improve the development process. This service is offered
by the U.S. Air Force Software Technology Support Center (STSC).
Software Technology for Adaptable, Reliable Systems (STARS) - The
STARS program is sponsored by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
(DARPA). STARS is focused on accelerating a change in the way software
is developed within the DoD. This change represents a shift to a product
line approach/technology paradigm that is process driven, domain specific,
reuse based, and technology supported. The STARS goal is to increase
software productivity, reliability, and quality by integrating support
for modern software development processes and reuse concepts within
Software Engineering Environment (SEE) technology.
Education, Training, and Conferences - Courses, seminars, conferences, training products, and resources for learning about software reliability.
IEEE Reliability Society Tutorial Videos - This page has everything
from short courses to advanced degree programs. Sample titles include
Developing Reliable Software in the Shortest Cycle Time and
Developing Software for Safety Critical Systems.
- RAC System Software Reliability Training Course -
This training course is tailored for reliability engineers, systems
engineers, quality assurance engineers, and software engineers and testers.
Featuring hands-on software reliability measurement, analyses and design,
it is intended for those individuals responsible for measuring, analyzing,
designing, automating, implementing or ensuring software reliability for
either commercial or government programs.
Software Reliability Experts - People who have established themselves as experts in the field of Software Reliability.
Anderson, Ross At the University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory,
his interests include; Privacy and freedom issues, Information
hiding, Reliability of security systems, and cryptographic protocols.
He is also the editor of `Computer and Communications Security Reviews'.
Basili, Victor Dr. Basili is a professor at the University
of Maryland, Dr. Basili is a noted advocate and practitioner of
quantitative methods in software engineering. He was a co-founder of
NASA's Software Engineering Laboratory and has won numerous awards.
His Web page provides pointers to the journals and organizations with
which he is associated, as well as papers and other descriptions of his
research interests.
Bowen, Jonathan Dr. Bownen is a Professor of Computing, at the Centre
for Applied Formal Methods, SCISM, South Bank University, London.
Fenton, Norman Norman Fenton is Professor of Computing at Queen Mary
and Westfield College (London University) and is also Managing Director
of Agena, a company that specializes in risk management for critical
Hamlet, Dick Professor, Department of Computer Science, Portland
State University. Professor Hamlet received his Ph.D., Computer Science
from University of Washington in 1971. His research interests include;
software engineering, software engineering education, software testing,
software reliability, and text processing.
- Littlewood, Bev Professor Littlewood is known for
critical work in software reliability, including the development of
models and modeling techniques to illustrate his theories. He founded
the Centre for Software Reliability, of which he is Director, and is
Professor of Software Engineering at City University (London).
- Martin L. Shooman Dr. Shooman's research is in
Software Engineering, Software and Hardware liability and fault-
tolerant components. Dr. Shooman developed first software reliability
model in 1970 and is well known nationally and internationally for his
research and consulting in Software Engineering and Reliability. He is
a fellow of the IEEE. Dr. Shooman is a DACS' research partner. E-Mail:
[email protected]
- Mellor, Peter Mr. Mellor is a lecturer in
Information Technology at Centre for Software Reliability (CSR).
His interests include practical aspects of software dependability
measurement particularly data collection; safety-critical systems,
particularly civil avionics; standardization of software dependability
assessment methods; and definitions of dependability terms. E-Mail:
[email protected]
Moffett, John A lecturer and Course Coordinator of the Advanced
MSc courses in the Department of Computer Science, University of York,
Dr Moffett teaches the Computer Systems Security and Operation, Management
and Maintenance modules of the MSc courses. He is a member of the High
Integrity Systems Engineering group, Moderator of the Safety-Critical
Mailing List Forum, and Custodian of the Dependability References
Musa, John John D. Musa teaches courses and consults in
software reliability engineering and testing. He has been involved in
software reliability engineering since 1973 and is generally recognized
as one of the creators of that field. Recently, he was Technical Manager
of Software Reliability Engineering at AT&T Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill.
He organized and led the transfer of software reliability engineering
into practice within AT&T, spearheading the effort that defined it as
a "best current practice." Musa has also been actively involved in
research to advance the theory and practice of software reliability
engineering. He has published more than 100 articles and papers, given
more than 175 major presentations, and made several videos. He is
principal author of Software Reliability: Measurement, Prediction,
Application and author of Software Reliability Engineering: More
Reliable Software, Faster Development and Testing.
- Schneidewind, Norman F. Dr. Schneidewind is Professor
of Information Sciences and Director of the Software Metrics Research
Center in the Division of Computer and Information Sciences and
Operations at the Naval Postgraduate School, where he teaches and
performs research in software engineering and computer networks.
Dr. Schneidewind is a Fellow of the IEEE, elected in 1992 for
contributions to software measurement models in reliability and metrics,
and for leadership in advancing the field of software maintenance. He is
the developer of the Schneidewind software reliability model that is used
by NASA to assist in the prediction of software reliability of the Space
Shuttle, by the Naval Surface Warfare Center for Trident software
reliability prediction, and by the Marine Corps Tactical Systems Support
Activity for distributed system software reliability assessment and
prediction. This model is one of the models recommended by the
American National Standards Institute and the American Institute of
Aeronautics and Astronautics Recommended Practice for Software
Reliability. In addition, the model is implemented in the Statistical
Modeling and Estimation of Reliability Functions for Software (SMERFS),
software reliability-modeling tool. He has published widely in the fields
of software reliability and metrics.
- Smidts, Carol A professor at the University of Maryland,
Dr. Smidts' research areas focus on dynamic probabilistic risk assessment,
human reliability, software reliability, quantitative risk assessment, and
software testing.
- University of Maryland's Software Reliability
Engineering Center's Staff
Literature - Articles, papers, books, technical reports and other Software Reliability literature.
A Summary of Software Reliability Engineering - This brief
resource by John D. Musa, provides a gentle introduction to Software
Reliability Engineering (SRE).
- Technical Reports
A History of Software Measurement at Rome Laboratory: Reliability
Model Validation These efforts focused mainly on the validation
and evaluation of reliability models, rather than on development of
new models.
Arcadia Software Architecture Papers Arcadia is a research
project investigating tools and techniques to improve the software
engineering process. The goal of the project is to support the
creation of software engineering environments intended for the
development, analysis, and maintenance of large, complex software
systems, particularly those with high reliability requirements.
DACS Software Reliability Sourcebook - The DACS Software
Reliability Sourcebook is intended to meet the need for basic
Software Reliability techniques and available resources into one
concise handbook.
Dependency Characterization in Path-Based Approaches to
Architecture-Based Software Reliability Prediction Predicting
reliability of an application early in the life-cycle, taking into
account the information about its architecture, testing and
reliabilities of its components, is absolutely essential.
Important Milestones in Software Reliability Modeling In this
paper, the authors discuss the time-domain and data-domain approaches
to software reliability modeling, and classify the previously
reported models into these two classes based on their underlying
Reliability Simulation of Fault-Tolerant Software and Systems
In this paper, the authors develop algorithms to simulate the
failure behavior of three commonly used fault tolerant architectures,
Distributed Recovery Block (DRB), N-Version Programming (NVP) and
N-Self Checking Programming (NSCP).
SREPT: Software Reliability Estimation and Prediction Tool
This paper presents the high-level design of a Software Reliability
Estimation and Prediction Tool (SREPT), that offers a unified framework
consisting of techniques (including the architecture-based approach)
to assist in the evaluation of software reliability during all phases of
the software life-cycle.
STARS Guide to Integration of Object Oriented Methods and Cleanroom
Software Engineering by William Ett and Carmen Trammell - The
February 1996 version of the guidebook was revised to include
sections covering (1) the description of the Object Modeling
Technique (OMT) and OMT's association with Rational's Unified
Modeling Language, and (2) guidance for enhancing the OMT method
with Cleanroom techniques and processes.
Software Engineering Baselines The purpose of this report is
to provide baseline information about a selected set of metrics,
specifically productivity, complexity, and reliability. It is not
a comprehensive treatment of metrics; indeed, that subject is
treated in a number of texts and DoD initiatives including the
Joint Logistics Commanders' Practical Software Measurement (PSM)
program, the SEI's Software Engineering Measurement and Analysis (SEMA)
program (Carleton 92), and the U.S. Army's Software Test and
Evaluation Panel (STEP) metrics.
Structure-Based Software Reliability Prediction In this report
the authors outline the constituents of several software reliability
growth models. They then present an exhaustive analyses of the
classes of methods where the architecture of the application is
modeled either as a discrete time Markov chain (DTMC) or a
continuous time Markov chain (CTMC), and illustrate these methods
using examples.
Tactical Software Reliability (TSR) Guidebook TSR is a
methodology that complements Software Process Improvement (SPI)
and addresses tactical issues. It is designed to significantly improve
a target software product within one year or less.
Techniques for Modeling the Reliability of Fault-Tolerant Systems
with the Markov State-Space Approach This paper presents a
step-by-step tutorial of the methods and the tools that were used for
the reliability analysis of fault-tolerant systems. The approach used
in this paper is the Markov (or semi-Markov) state-space method. The
paper is intended for design engineers with a basic understanding
of computer architecture and fault tolerance, but little knowledge
of reliability modeling. The representation of architectural features
in mathematical models is emphasized. This paper does not present
details of the mathematical solution of complex reliability models.
NASA RP-1348, September 1995.
The Present Value of Software Maintenance Deciding to engage in
a software project typically results
in incurring costs and generating revenues over a long time period.
Introducing new technology into the software process can likewise
be considered an investment decision. This paper presents capital
budgeting techniques employed among financial analysts and
upper-level management to evaluate such investment decisions.
- Articles and White Papers
DoD Software Tech News vol.3-no.4 - Software Reliability
The DoD Software Tech News provides general awareness of
significant trends, developments, and technical activities in
the software technology field. The topic of this specific newsletter
is Software Reliability. It includes the following articles:
A Software Engineering Course for Trustworthy Software - Software
Tech News 3-4 by Larry Berstein, Have Laptop - Will Travel
How Reliable are Requirements for Reliable Software? - Software
Tech News 3-4 by Herbert and Myron Hecht, SoHar Inc.
- Practical Software and System Availability and Reliability Estimation - Software Tech News 3-4 by John Gaffney, Lockheed Martin Corp.
Team Software Process Reliability Results - Software Tech News
3-4 John B. Goodenough, Software Engineering Institute (SEI)
The SCR Requirements Method: Developing High Assurance Software
Systems - Software Tech News 3-4 by Constance Heitmeyer,
Naval Research Laboratory
Using Failure History to Improve Reliability in Information
Technology - Software Tech News 3-4 by Dolores R. Wallace,
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
More Reliable, Faster, Cheaper Testing with Software Reliability
by John Musa Software Tech News, issue STN 3-2.
Investigation of Logistic Regression as a Discriminant of Software
Quality - Published in the Proceedings of the
Seventh International Software Metrics Symposium, Apr 2001,
pp. 328-337, this article by Norman Scheidewind of the Naval
Post Graduate School investigates the possibility that Logistic
Regression Functions when used in combination with Boolean
Discriminant Functions (BDFs) would improve the quality of
classification ability of BDFs. This is a PDF Document.
Investigation of the Risk to Software Reliability Maintainability
of Requirements Changes - Published in the Proceedings of
the International Conference on Software Maintenance, Nov 2001,
pp.127-136, this article by Norman Scheidewind of the Naval Post
Graduate School discusses shifting from an emphasis on design and
code metrics to metrics that characterize the risk of making
requirements changes. This is a PDF Document.
Measuring and Evaluating Maintenance Process using Reliability,
Risk, and Test Metrics by Norman F. Schneidewind, Naval
Postgraduate School. This article first appeared in IEEE
Transactions on Software Engineering, Volume 25, Number 6,
November/December 1999, pp. 768-781. This is a PDF Document.
Metrics for Ada95: Focus on Reliability and Maintainability -
CrossTalk (May 1995) This article identifies a set of
software metrics for Ada 95 code that focus on reliability
and maintainability (R&M). CrossTalk is a publication of the
DoD Software Technology Support Center.
Modelling the Fault Correction Process Published in the
Proceedings of the Twelfth International Symposium on
Software Reliability Engineering, Nov 2001, pp. 185-190,
this article by Norman Scheidewind of the Naval Post Graduate
School discusses the need for fault correction prediction and how
to properly model whether reliability goals have been achieved.
This is a PDF Document.
Reliability Modeling for Safety Critical Software By
Norman F. Schneidewind - First published in
IEEE Transactions on Reliability, Vol. 46, No.1, March 1997,
pp. 88-98, Shows how software reliability predictions can increase
confidence in the reliability of safety critical software such as
the NASA Space Shuttle Primary Avionics Software System (Shuttle
flight software). This is a PDF Document.
Software Metrics and Reliability (ISSRE '98 Best Paper) The
authors propose that the reliability of delivered code is related to
the quality of all of the processes and products of software
development; the requirements documentation, the code, test plans,
and testing.
Software Reliability Engineering for Client-Server Systems By
Norman F. Schneidewind, - first published Proceedings
of the Seventh International Symposium on Software Reliability
Engineering, White Plains, New York October 30, 1996 -
November 2, 1996, pp.226-235. This paper discusses reliability in
a multi-node client-server system.
Software Reliability: To Use or Not To Use? - CrossTalk
(February 1995) - A Panel Discussion Chaired by Michael Lyu,
Bellcore, Inc. Panelists: Skeptics: Fletcher Buckley, Martin
Marietta, Inc. Robert Tauswor, Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Believers: Ted Keller, IBM - Loral John Musa, AT&T Bell
Laboratories. Led by Michael Lyu, Bellcore. This article was
published in the February 1995 issue of CrossTalk.
Software-Reliability-Engineered Testing - CrossTalk (June 1996) -
Software reliability engineered testing (SRET) is system testing
designed and guided by quantitative software system reliability
objectives and expected field usage and criticality of different
operations. It can be applied to both custom software in development
and off-the-shelf software of any singular or collectively
integrated size.
Successful Application of Software Reliability Engineering for the
NASA Space Shuttle by Norman F. Schneidewind, Naval
Postgraduate School. This article first appeared in International
Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering, November 4, 1997,
pp. 71-82. This is a PDF Document.
- Books- These can be purchased from any
major book distributor. Title, author, publisher, and ISBN number
are listed for your convenience.
- Software Reliability Determination for Conventional and
Logic Programming by Alireza Azem Walter de Gruyter, Inc.
ISBN: 3110148072. 1995.
- Applied Software Measurement: Assuring Productivity
and Quality by T. Capers Jones McGraw Hill Text. ISBN:
0070328269. 1996.
- Ensuring Software Reliability by Ann Marie
Neufelder Marcel Dekker Incorporated. ISBN: 0-8247-8762-5.
- Handbook of Software Reliability Engineering by
Michael R. Lyu Computer Society Press. ISBN: 0-07-039400-8. 1996.
- Measuring the Software Process: Statistical Process
Control for Software Process Improvement by William A. Florac
and Anita D. Carleton The SEI Series in Software Engineering.
Addison-Wesley Publishing Company. ISBN: 0201604442. 1999.
- Software Engineering: Design, Reliability, and Management
by Martin L. Shooman McGraw-Hill Computer Science Series.
ISBN 0-07-057021-3. 1983.
- Software Reliability Engineering: More Reliable
Software, Faster Development and Testing by John D. Musa McGraw
Hill Text; ISBN: 0079132715. 1998.
- Software Reliability Handbook by Paul Rook
Elsevier Science. ISBN: 1851664009. 1990.
- Software Reliability Modelling and Identification:
Tutorial Papers by Sergio Bittanti Springer-Verlag New York,
Inc. ISBN: 0387506950. 1988.
- Software Reliability and Testing by Hoang Pham (Ed.)
IEEE Computer Society Press. ISBN: 0818668520. 1995.
- Software Reliability: Measurement, Prediction, Application
by John D. Musa, Anthony Iannino, and Kazuhira Okumoto McGraw-Hill
Series in Software Engineering and Technology, College Division.
ISBN: 007044093X. 1987.
- Software Reliability: Measurement, Prediction, Application
by John D. Musa, Anthony Iannino, and Kazuhira Okumoto The McGraw-Hill
Companies. ISBN: 007044093X. 1986.
- Software Reliability by Hoang Pham Springer-Verlag
New York, Incorporated. ISBN: 9813083840. 1999.
- The Handbook of Software Quality Assurance by G.
Gordon Schulmeyer (Editor), et. al. Prentice Hall. 3rd Edition.
ISBN: 0130104701. 1998.
- Journals
Software Quality Institute's (SQI) Newsletter Archive This is
an archive of the newsletters published by the SQI of the College
of Engineering at the University of Texas at Austin.
Software Quality Journal The Journal addresses all aspects
of software quality from both a practical and an academic viewpoint.
It invites contributions from practitioners and academics, as well
as national and international policy and standard making bodies,
and sets out to be the definitive international reference source
for such information. Published by Kluwer by subscription; sample
copy available.
Software Testing, Verification & Reliability The aim and scope
of this publication is to document and foster new and useful
techniques, methodologies and standards in the software testing,
verification and reliability fields; to act as a reference for
practicable approaches to problems; to promote the development
and dissemination of sound theoretical foundations for new and
established practice; and to provide a forum for informed debate on
the abundant controversial issues. STVR is published quarterly by
John Wiley & Sons Ltd. on a subscription basis, sample copy
available. ISSN: 0960-0833.
- Galorath Inc.
(also known as GA SEERTM Technologies) Galorath provides a
comprehensive set of decision-support and production optimization
tools. Consulting and support services are available for these tools.
The tools help manage product design and manufacturing operations,
driving out costs and building in quality. The tools derive cost,
schedule, labor and materials estimates by assessing the interaction
and impact of product, organizational and even operational variables.
Goel-Okumoto Software Reliability Model An automated version of
the Goel-Okumoto Nonhomogeneous Poisson Process Software
Reliability Model which runs on an IBM-PC. Distributed by the DACS.
- Quantitative
Software Management (QSM) Lawrence Putnam is the president of
QSM. QSM offers their clients Software Lifecycle Management (SLIM)
processes and tools for software cost estimating, reliability
modeling, schedule estimating, planning, tracking, and
Reliability & Maintenance Analyst This software consists of
two modules; a life data analysis module and a maintenance
optimization module.
Organizations - Groups, programs, and organizations interested in software reliability.
Bell Canada Software Reliability Laboratory - Their research focuses
on two areas of reliability. The first is software supervision, which
addresses ways of detecting failure in executing software. Secondly, we
are looking at reliability in distributed systems. This examines
issues related to systems using an unreliable communications medium such
as the internet.
CU Arcadia Arcadia is a research project investigating tools and
techniques to improve the software engineering process. The goal of
the project is to support the creation of software engineering
environments intended for the development, analysis, and maintenance
of large, complex software systems, particularly those with high
reliability requirements. Additionally, Arcadia is committed to a highly
distributed, tool-based architecture that supports flexible environment
evolution, heterogeneous tools, and organizationally dispersed
software engineering.
- Center for Advanced Computing and Communication - The
Center for Advanced Computing and Communication (CACC) is an
industry/university/government cooperative research center at North
Carolina State University at Raleigh and Duke University at Durham. CACC
is sponsored jointly by NC State University, Duke University and
participating government agencies and private corporations.
- Centre for Software Reliability The CSR at City University (London), is an independent Research Centre founded in 1983. CSR's research aims at giving industry sound methods for evaluating and predicting software dependability, and for choosing the methods used to achieve dependability. It seeks factual, scientific bases for decision making in software and systems engineering.
Centre for Software Reliability (CSR) The CSR is a research center
within the Department of Computing Science at the University of
Newcastle upon Tyne; it conducts research on how to achieve improved
levels of dependability from computing systems.
Colorado State University Testing & Reliability Research Group -
The continuing research is focussed on developing techniques for
achieving and evaluating ultra-high reliability in computational systems.
High Integrity Software System Assurance (HISSA) HISSA is a part of
the Software Diagnostics and Conformance Testing Division at the
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). The HISSA
project provides technology to produce high integrity, affordable
software for productive use.
NASA's Software Assurance Technology Center (SATC) The Software
Assurance Technology Center (SATC) was established in 1992 in the
Systems Reliability and Safety Office at NASA Goddard Space Flight
Center(GSFC). The SATC was founded to become a NASA center of excellence
in software assurance, dedicated to making measurable improvement in
the quality and reliability of software developed for GSFC and NASA.
Reliability Analysis Center (RAC) The RAC is an Information
Analysis Center (IAC) chartered by the Department of Defense (DoD) to
serve as a Government and industry focal point to improve the reliability,
maintainability, quality, and supportability of manufactured components
and systems. A major emphasis of the RAC is to collect and disseminate
data and information relating to reliability, maintainability, quality,
supportability, and testability.
Software Productivity Consortium The Software Productivity Consortium
is a unique, nonprofit partnership of industry, government, and academia.
They develop processes, methods, tools, and supporting services to help
their members and affiliates build high quality, component-based
systems, and continuously advance their systems and software
engineering maturity pursuant to the guidelines of all of the major
process and quality frameworks. Membership is open to all U.S. or
Canadian-based companies, government agencies, and academic
Software Quality Institute (SQI)
Founded in 1993 to meet the educational needs of software professionals,
the SQI is the College of Engineering at the University of Texas at
Austinąs answer to the software industryąs demand for lifelong learning
solutions that are flexible, innovative, and made a significant contribution
to professional competitiveness. Through innovative teaching, SQI informs
and educates software producers and users about issues vital to the
production and application of high-quality software. SQI specializes in
practitioner-to-practitioner training with an emphasis on hands-on
practical workshops.
Service Providers - Organizations and corporations offering software reliability products and services.
Espinoza Consulting - Espinoza Consulting specializes in software
development, reliability engineering, statistical methods and maintenance
engineering. Their staff members are nationally recognized as experts in
their fields, and have written several text books and commercial
software packages.
Quantitative Software Management (QSM) - QSM offers their
clients Software Lifecycle Management (SLIM) processes and tools
for software cost estimating, reliability modeling, schedule estimating,
planning, tracking, and benchmarking. Lawrence Putnam is the president
of QSM.
ReliaSoft Corporation - Reliability Software, Training, Consulting
and Related Services from ReliaSoft Corporation - ReliaSoft Corporation
provides reliability software, reliability training, consulting and
services for reliability engineering and related fields.
- Reliable:
The Quality Company - Description: Reliable is a leading independent
software testing company offering QA, functional testing,performance
testing, usability testing and security testing solutions. Reliable
provides a comprehensive set of testing solutions, from specific
expertise to full outsourcing, that is designed to meet the business
goals of clients worldwide. Reliable is dedicated to providing cost
effective testing solutions that help clients reduce the risk associated
with the implementation and ongoing operation of systems and software
driven business solutions. Specializing in test strategy, planning,
risk assessment, configuration management and all phases of test design,
Reliable assists clients in achieving their information technology
- STSC's Software Reliability Service - This service
is intended for personnel interested in advanced uses of software
quality measurements to improve the development process. This service is
offered by the U.S. Air Force Software Technology Support Center (STSC).
- SoHaR Incorporated
- SoHaR's organizational mission is the research and development of
dependable computing for critical applications.
Software Process and Reliability Engineering (SPRE) - SPRE is a
consulting firm focusing on integrating SRE into software development
processes. Highlights of services include: project jump starts, tailoring
of SRE tools, operational profiles, and training in SRE.
Related Topics- Software Engineering topics that are closely related to Software Reliability.
Software Quality - A definition of quality should emphasize
three important points: 1.) Software requirements are the foundation
from which quality is measured. Lack of conformance to requirement is
lack of quality. 2.) Specified standards define a set of development
criteria that guide the manner in which software is engineered. If the
criteria are not followed, lack of quality will almost surely result.
3.) There is a set of implicit requirements that often goes unmentioned
(e.g. good maintainability). If software conforms to its explicit
requirements but fails to meet implicit requirements, software quality
is suspect.
Software Safety - Computer software has impacted virtually every
aspect of our lives, and so has the amount of critical software.
When software annunciates safety-critical information to the
human-in-the-loop or controls a system subsystem that could contribute
to the loss of life, property or environment, software safety is a concern.
Software system safety is a process whereby potential software or software
environmental causal factors contributing to system hazards are identified,
analyzed, and mitigated according to their hazard priority.
Software Testing - The purpose of software testing is to assess
and evaluate the quality of work performed at each step of the software
development process. Although it sometimes seems that way, the purpose
of testing is NOT to use up all the remaining budget or schedule
resources at the end of a development effort. The goal of testing is
to ensure that the software performs as intended, and to improve
software quality, reliability and maintainability.
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