"Software Reliability Engineering" is the next Software Tech News topic.

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SOA: The New Bandwagon

SD Times, November 15, 2004

If 2000 was the year of XML, and 2002 the year of Web services, then 2004 has ushered in the era of service-oriented architectures.

Read the entire article on-line at: http://www.sdtimes.com/opinions/opinion_114.htm

Process-Centric Realization of SOA

by Mohamad Afshar Dave Shaffer Hal Hilderbrad Nickolaos Kavantzas Ashwini Surpur

Web Services Journal

Agile and adaptive business processes and supporting IT infrastructure are the holy grail of enterprise applications. The industry is heading in the right direction to start delivering on this promise.

Read the entire article on-line at:

WS-Discovery Finds Web Services Without the Load of UDDI

by Yvonne L. Lee
SD Times, December 1, 2004

A specification aimed at providing a way for one Web service to inquire about the presence of other services that meet specified requirements without the overhead of Universal Description, Discovery and Integration (UDDI) is set for preliminary testing.

Read the entire article on-line at: http://www.sdtimes.com/news/115/story14.htm

Angels in the Architecture

by Carol Weiszmann
SD Times, December 1, 2004

These days, just about all applications need to pull data from multiple sources, and do it quickly, to complete transactions or deliver up meaningful, usable information. For companies that conduct business online, performance pressure is especially intense.

Read the entire article on-line at: http://www.sdtimes.com/news/115/special1.htm

Best Practices for High-Transaction Environments

SD Times, September 1, 2004

Here are some best practices gleaned from Ameritrade Inc., Auctiondrop Inc., eToys Direct Inc., Mobliss Inc. and Office Depot Inc.

Read the entire article on-line at: http://www.sdtimes.com/news/115/special2.htm

Persistent Software Attributes

by Terry Bollinger, Jeffrey Voas, Maarten Boasson
IEEE Computing

How do we guarantee desirable software properties when systems and applications face rapid, unpredictable, largely uncontrollable change? What new approaches are on the horizon?

Read the entire article on-line at: http://www.computer.org/SOFTWARE/

The Data & Analysis Center for Software (DACS) provides this E-News as a free service to provide you summaries of, and links to, recent articles that may be of interest to you, the busy software engineer and software manager, had you had time to scour the web to find these articles. These articles are all available on-line for you to read. E-news provides on-line articles or on-line white papers that are not product advertisements, but rather articles of general interest that may help you to be more productive. Typically, as exemplified by the articles in this issue, many of the links will be to recent articles that deal with software integration and software standards. We will also tell you of new information and happenings that are available from the DACS, either on our website or in hardcopy format. Please let us know what you think of this E-News idea by E-mailing [email protected]. Also if you have article or white paper suggestions that are not commercial, please send them to the same address.

January 2005

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