October 2004

"Software Cost, Quality & Productivity Benchmarks" is the latest Software Tech News topic.

The Software Tech News is a free publication provided by the DACS as a resource to the software developmnent community.
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Integrating XML: The Executive Initiative

by Gary Kupecz
XML Journal October 13, 2004

The way XML has been positioned over the last several years - namely, as some type of savior for companies that have invested in myriad systems with numerous incompatible data types - it makes you wonder why organizations aren't adopting any XML solution they can get their hands on.
Read the entire article on-line at: http://www.sys-con.com/story/?storyid=46177&DE=1

Companies Gunning for Web Services Trigger

by Yvonne L. Lee
SD Times, October 1, 2004

Computer Associates International Inc., IBM Corp. and Sun Microsystems Inc. have joined an effort to work on a specification geared toward asynchronously announcing and subscribing to Web services-based events.
Read the entire article on-line at: http://www.sdtimes.com/news/111/story12.htm

Study Reveals Why Most Projects Fail

by Edward J. Correia
SD Times, September 1, 2004

Most developers are likely to have at least one story of the monumental failure of a software implementation project. After all, according to technology researcher AlignIT Group LLC, about 10 percent of all IT projects simply fail, and another 30 percent only partially succeed.
Read the entire article on-line at: http://www.sdtimes.com/news/109/story20.htm

Back to school reading list

SD Times, September 1, 2004

Too often, development managers focus their training efforts on their staff: buying the latest materials on ASP.NET, a tutorial on JavaServer Faces, some tickets to a conference program, arranging for in-house classes on data modeling. But what about you and your fellow managers? To help challenge your thoughts and refresh your imagination, we’ve assembled a reading list for the next school year.

Read the entire article on-line at: http://www.sdtimes.com/news/109/special1.htm

Deploying Intelligent Systems on a Global Scale

by Steven Willmott, Unviersitat Politecnica de Catalunya

IEEE Intelligent Systems

Intelligent systems are rarely deployed in isolation. Furthermore, with the advent of the global Internet, corporate intranets, and the Web, the potential for interactions between intelligent systems has never been greater.

Read the entire article on-line at: http://dsonline.computer.org/0410/d/x5glo.htm

Using Linux for Real-Time Applications

by Armand.Marchesin
IEEE Computing

An open source column talking about Linux? Aren't there enough such articles around? Indeed, tons of information are available on Linux. But that's not what we are presenting here. We've selected a topic for practitioners in the embedded and real-time domains, namely how to use Linux for real-time applications. The article is hands-on: it not only summarizes selection criteria and introduction schemes for RTLinux but also shows how Linux was actually integrated in an existing (legacy) architecture.

Read the entire article on-line at: http://www.computer.org/software/homepage/2004/Sept-Oct/linux.htm

The Data & Analysis Center for Software (DACS) provides this E-News as a free service to provide you summaries of, and links to, recent articles that may be of interest to you, the busy software engineer and software manager, had you had time to scour the web to find these articles. These articles are all available on-line for you to read. E-news provides on-line articles or on-line white papers that are not product advertisements, but rather articles of general interest that may help you to be more productive. Typically, as exemplified by the articles in this issue, many of the links will be to recent articles that deal with software integration and software standards. We will also tell you of new information and happenings that are available from the DACS, either on our website or in hardcopy format. Please let us know what you think of this E-News idea by E-mailing [email protected]. Also if you have article or white paper suggestions that are not commercial, please send them to the same address.
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