August 2004

Comming Soon:

"Software Cost, Quality & Productivity Benchmarks" is the next Software Tech News topic.

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UML: Too Big, Too Small, Just Right?

by Jennifer deJong
SD Times, August 15, 2004

Experts weigh in on what’s ahead for the Unified Modeling Language
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UML Adoption Making Strong Progress

by Alan Zeichick
SD Times, August 15, 2004

UML is popular. But the use of the Unified Modeling Language varies tremendously from organization to organization.
Read the entire article on-line at:

The Dangers of End-User Programming

by Warren Harrison
IEEE Software, 2004

The most prominent issue involving software today is security. Virtually every computer user has experienced the results of the variety of worms, viruses, exploits, malware, and denial-of-service attacks across the Internet over the past few months.
Ten years ago, few would have anticipated that a hacker’s arrest would make the front page of major newspapers around the world. Today, security tops the concerns not only of the computing industry but also of society in general. .
Read the entire article on-line at:

A Process Model for Successful CRM System Development

by Hee-Woong Kim, National University of Singapore
IEEE Software, 2004

According to industry analysts, almost two-thirds of customer relationship management system development projects fail.1 Another report estimates that between 60 and 90 percent of enterprise resource planning implementations don’t achieve the goals set forth in the project approval phase. Information systems developers and researchers ultimately want to lower these failure rates and support successful development.

However, most IS research has focused on identifying the factors, or ingredients, correlated with IS development success. Few have studied the IS development process, or recipe, and how it leads to successful outcomes. Some argue that the state of knowledge in IS development is analogous to cooking with a list of ingredients but without the recipe.

This article proposes a process model as a recipe for successful IS development. Adopting a process theory approach permits examining the sequence of and interplay between specific factors involved in the process. Two case studies—one success, one failure—illustrate how these factors influence customer relationship management (CRM) system development and, ultimately, determine whether a project succeeds or fails

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Building and Evaluating Ubiquitous System Software

by Vinny Cahill • Trinity College Dublin
Armando Fox • Stanford University
Tim Kindberg • Hewlett-Packard Laboratories, Bristol
Brian Noble • University of Michigan

IEEE Pervasive Computing

One question we debated when setting out as guest editors was whether to entitle this issue Everyware—a name for the new class of software needed to power the world of ubiquitous computing. The title we eventually used—the title of this introduction—reflects the more explicit and pragmatic topic on which we settled. We hope before too long to have everyware literally all around us. But we're not there yet; what we have is more like "some here and a little there," with scant inter­operation

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An Authoring Technology for Multidevice Web Applications

by Guruduth Banavar, Lawrence Bergman, Richard Cardone, Vianney Chevalier, Yves Gaeremynck, Frederique Giraud, Christine Halverson, Shin-ichi Hirose, Masahiro Hori, Fumihiko Kitayama, Goh Kondoh, Ashish Kundu, Kohichi Ono, Andreas Schade, Danny Soroker, and Kim Winz • IBM Worldwide Research and Development Labs
IEEE Pervasive Computing

The rapid proliferation of mobile computing devices has increased the complexity and cost of cross-platform application development. Multi-Device Authoring Technology (MDAT) lets developers build a generic application common to multiple devices and customize it for specific devices.

Read the entire article on-line at:

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